Many I spoke to wished they had retained or had any ounce of creativity in them. Others were simply happy coming in, wondered around a bit, greeting you with a smile and leaving you to your merry business. The cafe we had there seemed to be popular, and there was a sausage sizzle which (I admit) saved me from tremendous hunger. I decided not to paint the day due to large crowds of people moving through my space, starting and stopping to chatter would dry my paints out and delay me, so I took the chance to find some discarded pieces of wood to burn on. Was pretty pleased with the look of it, may continue with the method, hopefully something can come out of it.
Sin-Mae Chung 2012, Aged 24 (2-6) Acrylic on Canvas, works that were recently in a group show called Disconnect/Reconnect Revisited
The view from the entrance of my studio, visitors and art lovers.
Finding something to do, so making use of scrap wood in the studio (I believe the air condition installers left behind)
Had to tidy and sweep the place before any body came in. This will do.
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