Oh how I miss those days of stupid experiments... stupid but creative! Though something sounds silly and isn't justified with academics, it is still worth it in value of knowledge and learning. Unless it is life threatening, but at least that will teach others what would kill a person or not (So I am slightly on the fence with that one).
But today, I submit this post not to randomly spill my thoughts. But to share a idea, something that hopefully will help in someone's survival.
Angela Taituma: a 36 year old beautiful lady and her 4 year old son in the above image, she is fighting cancer.
I read about her story one day through the list that was featured on Yahoo's home page. This would be her second fight in cancer, and my.. she is fighting. Here in her state, she needs medical treatment and that involves pills which she pays a huge amount of over TWO GRAND (NZD) fortnightly and she may also need to fly out of the country for other treatments. And what has she been doing to financially support that? She has been organising her own fundraising. She is serious on Surviving, and that is what I admire, and with that I am willing to help.
I propose a small fund-raising of selling artworks, so far I myself and one other artist is interested in making art for her survival. I have posted up stuff on facebook to find that there wasn't much response. So I am hoping bloggers might be able to pass this message around. If not about making art, at least get some more recognition and help for this lady. Hopefully if I do get enough people interested, we could put up one day shows or openings for the cause. If not, propose for some window display areas, or do some street installation (Of course with council permission). So if your interested, pass me a message.
My email: mae.mc@xtra.co.nz
Looking forward to hearing back from anyone. But before that, check out Angela's website called Fighting Spirit!
she can also be followed on Facebook as well! So definitely add her.
But anyways guys, like the days, this blog entry has got to end somewhere. Else I could imagine yourselves Glazing over while reading this. I thank you for your time. Appreciate you popping by! Definitely comment so I can check our your blogs as well! Have a good one.
I'll try my best to lure some people in!!! Have u told Meghan?
actually.. not sure.. i mass sent this through Crossover's group page but not sure if she got it.
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